Some Easy Ideas on Urban Wildlife Photography

Are you a keen urban wildlife photographer? The following article will discuss the viability of urban wildlife and the photographic opportunities presented to the keen eye. It aims to increase awareness of urban wildlife through photography.

Urban spaces are not exclusively for human existence. Wildlife exists within the greenery of the concrete jungle, too. Moreover, wildlife may exist within the proximity of your suburban home or the nearby surrounding natural areas such as vacant land, urban nature reserves, your garden, or the city infrastructure itself.

Opportunities for urban wildlife photographers abound if you can sense the discreet movements of wildlife within the cityscape. Urban wildlife photography is fun and often conveniently near your daily life.

Table of Contents

  1. Identifying Potential Urban Locations For Wildlife Photography
  2. Understanding Urban Wildlife Behaviour
    1. Some Common Urban Wildlife Species
  3. Essential Camera Equipment for Urban Wildlife Photography
  4. Techniques for Capturing Wildlife in Urban Settings
  5. In Conclusion
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Identifying Potential Urban Locations For Wildlife Photography

When embarking on the captivating journey of urban wildlife photography, the key to capturing remarkable moments lies in identifying potential locations that serve as habitats or transit areas for wildlife within the urban landscape. These locations are often hidden gems, nestled amidst the bustling cityscape, where wildlife coexists with the human environment, or could simply be found wandering in your backyard.

Exploring parks, green spaces, and water bodies within the city can reveal surprising encounters with birds, mammals, and reptiles. Additionally, urban wildlife enthusiasts should keep an eye on the less apparent habitats, such as abandoned buildings, rooftops, or even city outskirts, where resilient wildlife has adapted to thrive. The challenge lies in observing the subtle signs of animal presence and understanding their behaviour to select the optimal locations for creating compelling and authentic urban wildlife photographs.

Some examples of natural urban spaces that may present wildlife photography opportunities include:

  • Parks and almost all green spaces
  • Urban water bodies, especially lakes and dams
  • Residential areas with natural elements such as fields, rivers, and trees
  • Abandoned city areas and infrastructure

Understanding Urban Wildlife Behaviour

Understanding urban wildlife behaviour is a multifaceted endeavour that delves into the intricacies of how various species adapt and interact within urban environments. City wildlife faces unique challenges in navigating human-altered landscapes as cities expand. As conservation and wildlife photographers, we should explore the behavioural patterns of urban wildlife, shedding light on how they cope with urbanization, find shelter, forage for food, and establish territories.

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alt="A Fiscal perches upon an active electric fence wire on the perimeter of my home. If a human were to touch the wire they would receive an electric jolt that would harm them, yet nature has unique abilities that humans do not as illustrated in this photo. These unique characteristics of urban animals make their existence in the city fascinating."
A Fiscal perches upon an active electric fence wire on the perimeter of my home. If a human were to touch the wire, they would receive an electric jolt that would harm them, yet nature has unique abilities that humans do not, as illustrated in this photo. These unique characteristics of urban animals make their existence in the city fascinating and unusual.

By delving into the nuances of animal behaviour, photographers gain insights that can inform conservation efforts and the development of sustainable practices. Sustainable practices promote harmony between the urban ecosystem and its diverse inhabitants. The conservation message can be spread through your wildlife images.

Some Common Urban Wildlife Species

For example, my hometown, Johannesburg, South Africa, boasts a rich and diverse array of wildlife in its urban environment. While Johannesburg is a bustling metropolis, its commitment to preserving green spaces and natural habitats allows for the coexistence of humans and wildlife in unexpected ways. The city’s biodiversity, encompassing birds, mammals, and reptiles, contributes to its unique identity as a thriving urban ecosystem with a touch of the wild.

Among the common wildlife species in and around the city, one prominent example is the Great Horned Owl. The Great Horned Owl is a majestic and formidable presence in the realm of nocturnal hunters. Known for its distinctive tufted “horns” atop its head, this impressive bird of prey boasts a robust and adaptable nature, allowing it to thrive in diverse habitats throughout South Africa. With piercing yellow eyes and a four-foot wingspan, the Great Horned Owl strikes an imposing figure against the night sky.

Renowned for its powerful talons and a voracious appetite, it preys upon various animals, including rodents, birds, and other raptors. Possessing a haunting hooting call that echoes through the darkness, the Great Horned Owl symbolises both mystery and mastery of the night, embodying the essence of silent, swift predation in the vast tapestry of the natural world.

alt="A local inhabitant in my area of Johannesburg, the Great Horned Owl, takes an afternoon nap under the cover of a grouping of trees on a rock outcrop. The Great Horned Owl is my favourite local bird, and I love getting opportunities to photograph them, albeit these opportunities are rare due to them "retreating" into shelters during the day and then taking flight at nighttime when it is dark and challenging to photograph. He had taken a perch on the rock right outside my back garden before sunset. Luckily, I was aware of the photo opportunity presented and alert."
A local inhabitant in my area of Johannesburg, the Great Horned Owl, takes an afternoon nap under the cover of a grouping of trees on a rock outcrop. The Great Horned Owl is my favourite local bird, and I love getting opportunities to photograph them. However, these opportunities are rare due to the Owl “retreating” into shelters during the day and then taking flight at nighttime. Before sunset, the Owl had taken a perch on the rock right outside my back garden. Luckily, I was alert to the photo opportunity that was presented.

Another notable resident of Johannesburg’s rural wild areas is the Slender Mongoose. This small carnivorous mammal is native to various African regions, including South Africa. Characterised by its slender body and long tail, this mongoose species typically ranges from 40 to 50 centimetres, excluding the tail.

A Slender Mongoose’s fur is short and sleek, displaying a reddish-brown to grey colouration, and often exhibits a lighter underbelly. These creatures are known for their agile and elusive natures and are skilled hunters, preying on various small vertebrates, insects, and even snakes. Despite their solitary behaviour, Slender Mongooses are highly adaptable and can be found in diverse habitats, including grasslands, woodlands, and semi-arid areas within the urban landscape.

alt="The local Slender Mongoose is an adorable and entertaining little character who comes out of his rocky burrow daily to scour the land for eating opportunities. A family of three mongooses live nearby and often play together in between gathering insects and various food sources."
The local Slender Mongoose is an adorable and entertaining little character who comes out of his rocky burrow daily to scour the land for eating opportunities. A family of three mongooses live nearby and often play together in between gathering insects and various food sources.

Another familiar creature in the city is the Rock Hyrax or Rock Dassie. The Rock Hyrax is a fascinating small mammal that has found its home in the urban landscape of Johannesburg and throughout South Africa. Despite being commonly associated with rocky outcrops and arid environments, these resilient creatures have adapted to the diverse habitats present in the city. In Johannesburg, Rock Hyrax habituate in parks, gardens, and even on the outskirts of urban developments where suitable rocky habitats exist.

The Rock Hyrax, also called a Dassie, is a social animal often found in groups and displays remarkable agility as it navigates the urban terrain. Its presence in Johannesburg serves as a testament to the adaptability of wildlife in the face of urbanisation, highlighting the coexistence of nature and the city in this dynamic and diverse environment.

alt="The photo above depicts a juvenile Rock Hyrax, aka Dassie, in their natural habitat, a rocky outcrop. Dassies are highly skilled in navigating rocks and are agile tree climbers who forage for leaves in the dry winter season when food and water are more scarce. They form large families with an Alpha male who can be aggressive towards younger males."
The photo above depicts a juvenile Rock Hyrax, aka Dassie, in their natural habitat, a rocky outcrop. Dassies are highly skilled in navigating rocks and are agile tree climbers who forage for leaves in the dry winter season when food and water are more scarce. They form large families with an Alpha male who can be aggressive towards younger males.

Johannesburg is also home to various lizard species, including the Blue-headed Agama species. These colourful reptiles are often seen basking in the sun on rocks and walls. Their ability to thrive in urban environments highlights their adaptability to human-altered landscapes. Renowned for its vibrant and mesmerising colouration, this species derives its common name from its distinctively vivid blue hue adorning its head and upper body.

The males, in particular, showcase an impressive display of colours during the breeding season as their blue heads intensify in brilliance to attract potential mates. Beyond its stunning appearance, the Agama lizard is known for its arboreal lifestyle. It often perches on rocks or vegetation to bask in the sun and survey its surroundings. With a slender body, long tail, and agile movements, these lizards are well-adapted to their environments.

The funky-looking Blue-headed Agama lizard becomes prominent in the summer months. Although lizards can be elusive and hard to find, they are usually spotted when the sun is out. On the day I photographed this lizard, there were many Butterflies hovering above the grass, and the Agama was taking his feast.

Although less common than the other species mentioned in this article, the Black-Shouldered Kite is a striking raptor known for its distinctive appearance and graceful aerial displays. Sporting a predominantly white plumage, this medium-sized bird of prey exhibits contrasting black wingtips and shoulder patches, which lend it its name.

Endemic to various habitats, including grasslands, marshes, and agricultural areas, the Black-Shouldered Kite is a versatile hunter, primarily preying on small mammals, insects, and occasionally birds. Its remarkable hovering ability, achieved by skilfully adjusting its wings and tail, allows it to precisely survey the ground beneath before swooping to snatch its prey. With a keen vision and remarkable agility, the Black-Shouldered Kite exemplifies nature’s aerial prowess, captivating observers with its elegant flights and distinct colouration.

alt="A Black-Shouldered Kite perches in a dead tree near my back garden and spreads its wings while surveying the landscape for prey. I have witnessed this skilled hunter chase down and kill pigeons. They are small but fierce hunters that have incredible high-speed flying skills."
A Black-Shouldered Kite perches in a dead tree near my back garden and spreads its wings while surveying the landscape for prey. I have witnessed this skilled hunter chase down and kill pigeons. They are small but fierce hunters that have incredible high-speed flying skills.

Essential Camera Equipment for Urban Wildlife Photography

Urban wildlife photography presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities, requiring specific camera equipment to capture the beauty and diversity of wildlife in an urban environment. One essential piece of equipment is a versatile and fast lens. A lens with a wide aperture, such as f/2.8 or more, allows for better low-light performance and the ability to isolate the subject from distracting backgrounds. A wide aperture setting is crucial when shooting in urban settings where backgrounds can be cluttered with buildings and other structures.

A telephoto lens is a must-have for urban wildlife photography to enhance the reach and versatility of your gear. Urban environments often require photographers to shoot from a distance, making a telephoto lens with a long focal length ideal for capturing detailed shots of elusive creatures. Consider a lens with image stabilisation to reduce the impact of camera shake during handheld shooting.

alt="It was a beautiful sunrise, and I noticed a Slender Mongoose sitting upon a rocky outcrop surveying the landscape. I awoke early that morning, hoping to get unusual urban wildlife photo opportunities. I used a telephoto lens telephoto photo since the Mongoose is very far away from my position and is relatively small."
It was a beautiful sunrise, and I noticed a Slender Mongoose sitting upon a rocky outcrop surveying the landscape. I awoke early that morning, hoping to get unusual urban wildlife photo opportunities. I used a telephoto lens telephoto photo since the Mongoose is very far away from my position and is relatively small.

In addition to a fast lens, a sturdy and lightweight camera body is essential for mobility and ease of use in urban environments. Wildlife in the city can be unpredictable, so having a camera that is quick to focus and responsive to sudden movements is crucial for capturing those fleeting moments. A camera with advanced autofocus capabilities, such as fast and accurate tracking, is particularly beneficial for urban wildlife photography.

A reliable tripod is another indispensable piece of equipment. While urban wildlife photographers may not always have the luxury of setting up a tripod, it can be invaluable for capturing sharp images, especially in low-light conditions or using longer focal lengths. Look for a lightweight, portable tripod to carry through city streets and open terrains.

Lastly, understanding your surroundings is crucial, and a pair of binoculars can be a valuable addition to your camera equipment. Binoculars help you spot wildlife from a distance and plan your approach without disturbing the animals. Compact and lightweight binoculars are easy to carry and can significantly enhance your ability to locate and observe urban wildlife.

Techniques for Capturing Wildlife in Urban Settings

Amid urban landscapes, wildlife photography presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Mastering the art of capturing wildlife in urban settings requires a fusion of creativity and adaptability. Let’s explore three essential strategies that can empower photographers to skillfully document urban wildlife’s often elusive and dynamic world.

alt="An African Harrier Hawk is a not-so-common bird seen around my local area but can be spotted flying around the local skies on rare occasions. Luckily, I was in my back garden that day and had my camera loaded with telephotos and ready to capture the circling predator."
An African Harrier Hawk is a not-so-common bird seen around my local area but can be spotted flying around the local skies on rare occasions. Luckily, I was in my back garden that day, and my camera was loaded with telephotos, ready to capture the circling predator.
  • Waiting for the Right Moment: Waiting for the right moment becomes an indispensable technique, emphasising the importance of patience and observation in anticipating the perfect opportunities for compelling shots. Waiting for the right moment generally involves:
    • Cultivating an acute awareness of the wildlife’s behaviour.
    • Studying the animal’s habits and patterns.
    • Strategically positioning oneself to capture those authentic and spontaneous moments within the urban habitat.
  • Understanding Animal Habits: Understanding animal habits further enhances the photographer’s ability to predict movements, allowing for thoughtful composition and creating impactful narratives within the urban wilderness. Observing and learning the animal’s typical daily behaviours and patterns is crucial to seizing the best photographic opportunity in the most suitable environment.
  • Minimizing Disturbance to Wildlife: Naturally, a photographer must practice stealth when photographing urban wildlife. Urban wildlife is not tame and may be skittish. An urban wildlife photographer should approach an animal in the urban environment cautiously, like in the wild, and respect the animal’s space and habitat. Choosing a suitable position away from the animal without threatening or alerting it to your presence is an essential stealth consideration. You can hide in your home, behind a tree, in a shelter such as a hide, or even use camouflage clothing. Another practical setting on your camera is to place your shutter on silent mode. Silent mode will prevent your shutter from frightening the creature away when you rattle off a series of continuous frames.

In Conclusion

Urban wildlife photography can be exhilarating. It shares the same dynamics and features as conventional wildlife photography but in an urban setting. The main difference is that photographers do not have to travel to far-off destinations and locations to capture wildlife photos. Keeping it local and close to home has some significant advantages; you can capture wildlife from your home surroundings should you be fortunate enough to have a garden or open land nearby.

I hope the article has given you some starting points to consider for your next urban wildlife photography project. Please get in touch and let me know how you get along. Feel free to share your photos and any new tips or discoveries you may encounter on your photography journey.

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